Why Invest
Proven World-class Manager
WCM has an outstanding long-term track record of global equity management. Their Quality Global Growth strategy has outperformed the MSCI World Index by an annualised 3.66% since its inception in 2008. Consistency of performance has been a large factor behind the firm managing assets on behalf of many of the world’s biggest pension plans including a number of large Australian superannuation funds.
Unique Investment Process
WCM’s two key criteria for selecting an investment are:
- a rising competitive advantage (or expanding ‘economic moat’) and
- a corporate culture that supports the expansion of this moat.
WCM believes the direction of a company’s moat is more important than its absolute width or size.
Active All-weather Portfolio
The portfolio has been designed as an ‘all weather portfolio’, to maximise participation in rising markets while limiting the impact of market weakness. WCM has a strong track record of protecting capital in downward markets.
Focused and Low-turnover Portfolio
The Fund invests in a portfolio of no more than 20 – 40 companies. These companies are chosen from a universe of close to 2,100. This results in a high conviction portfolio ensuring that the investment team’s best ideas aren’t diluted by less compelling ones. The average holding period of each company is five to seven years. This means that each company is deeply researched prior and post inclusion in the portfolio, resulting in avoidance of unnecessary and excessive trading.
Quality Global Stocks
WCM’s focus on quality global stocks with expanding economic moats leads it towards high growth sectors such as technology, healthcare and consumer. For Australian investors this provides significant diversification benefits, as these sectors represent a relatively small proportion of the local market. The Fund has a relatively low exposure to banks and basic resources, the two heavyweight sectors in the ASX.
Currency Hedging
The Fund’s Class B units are hedged back into Australian dollars with the aim of reducing the risk associated with exposure to international currencies.
This website has been prepared by Associate Global Partners Limited (CGA) ACN 080 277 998 on behalf of its fully owned subsidiaries; Switzer Asset Management Limited (SAML) ACN 26 123 611 978, AFSL 312247 and Contango International Limited (CIM) ACN 617 319 123. SAML is the Responsible Entity of the WCM Quality Global Growth Fund – Active ETF ARSN 625 955 240 (ASX: WCMQ) and WCM Quality Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund) ARSN 630 062 047. CIM is the Investment Manager of WCM Global Growth Limited (ASX: WQG).
Whilst WCM Investment Management (WCM) is the Manager and Adviser of WQG, WCMQ and WCM Quality Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund) and applies the WCM Quality Global Growth Strategy to each of the funds, it has not been a party to the preparation of this fact sheet. WCM has been managing its Quality Global Growth Strategy since 2008. WQG, WCMQ and WCM Quality Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund), have the same Portfolio Managers and investment team, the same investment objective and use the same philosophy and strategy as the WCM Quality Global Growth Strategy. As WQG, WCMQ and WCM Quality Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund) have only been in operation for a relatively short period of time, this fact sheet makes extensive reference to the WCM Quality Global Growth Composite (“Composite) to provide a better understanding of how the team has managed this strategy over a longer period. The Composite contains fully discretionary Quality Global Growth equity accounts. The Composite was created 31 March 2008.
WCM manages WQG, WCMQ and WCM Quality Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund) according to the same investment principles, philosophy and execution of approach as those used for the Composite, however it should be noted that due to certain factors including, but not limited to, differences in cash flows, fees, expenses, performance calculation methods, and portfolio sizes and composition, there may be variances between the investment returns demonstrated by each portfolio in the future.
For the same reason, although this website makes reference to the performance of WCM as the Investment Manager of the Composite, the data for the Composite is provided purely for indicative purposes to demonstrate how WCM has performed historically in its role as the investment manager to this specific strategy. The performance for the composite is not the performance of the Funds’ and is not an indication of how WQG, WCMQ and WCM Quality Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund) would have performed in the past or will perform in the future. The material should not be viewed as a solicitation or offer of services by WCM. It is provided for information purposes only.
Any performance data quoted represents past performance of the strategy. Performance figures are also shown for the MSCI All Country World Index (gross) Return, (“MSCI AC World Index”). The MSCI All Country World Index (gross) is a trademark/service mark of Morgan Stanley Capital International. MSCI All Country World Index (gross) is designed to measure global developed and emerging equity market performance. The index is unmanaged, is market-value weighted and is shown for illustration only and cannot be purchased directly by investors.
The content in this fact sheet has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular individual. It does not constitute advice. Consider the appropriateness of the information regarding your circumstances. Please read the relevant product disclosure statement or offer document and obtain appropriate financial advice before making any investment decisions.
Forecasts in this website are predictive in character, based on numerous assumptions including the forecast outlook for key variables and may be affected by various factors including inaccurate assumptions, risks and unforeseen events. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those forecasted. SAML its officers, employees, agents and related bodies corporate believe that the information in this document is correct at the time of compilation but do not warrant the accuracy of that information.
It is recommended that investors seek professional investment, taxation and/or financial or other relevant and/or applicable advice to assist investors determine the individual tolerance to risk and the investors need to attain a particular return on your investment. In no way should the investor rely on the information contained in this performance data. We strongly encourage you to obtain independent professional, financial, investment, taxation or legal advice before making a decision to invest in any Fund.
Data as at 30 June 2019.