Join us for a live webinar where we will discuss everything you need to know about private equity, and how wholesale investors can access this asset class that is often reserved for ultra-wealthy and institutional investors.
In this interactive session we will cover:
- the benefits and risks of investing in private equity,
- why private equities have historically outperformed listed shares over the long term,
- how private equity typically performs during economic downturns, and
- how individual wholesale investors can access this asset class.
Details of the session are:
- Time: 6:00 PM AEDT
- Date: Tuesday, 9 November 2021
- Host: Andrew Keay, Head of Direct at Associate Global Partners
- Presenter: Michael Tobin, Managing Director of Vantage Asset Management
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Andrew Keay
Head of Direct Sales
Andrew Keay
Head of Direct Sales
Andrew has over 30 years of experience in financial services at senior executive levels. He holds a Bachelor of Business, Grad Diploma in Applied Finance, and is a qualified mediator. He has worked with well-known firms such as Perpetual, Macquarie Bank, Fidelity International, and AMP Capital.
During this time he was responsible for developing investment funds utilising listed and unlisted asset classes.
Andrew is a licensed financial advisor with a passion for the aged care sector.
He is a very keen endurance swimmer, crossing the English Channel in July 2019 and becoming the eighth Australian to successfully complete the Ice Mile swim at Lake Crackenback in July 2020.
Michael Tobin
Managing Director of Vantage Asset Management
Michael Tobin
Managing Director of Vantage Asset Management
Michael is responsible for managing the implementation of all Vantage Asset Management’s investment strategies and has over 30 years of experience in private equity management, advisory/investment, and management operations.
Michael was formerly Head of Development Capital and Private Equity at St George Bank where he was responsible for the management and ultimate sale of the bank’s Commitments and investments in $140m worth of St George branded private equity funds. Michael also established the bank’s private equity advisory business, which structured and raised private equity for corporate customers of the bank. Michael has arranged and advised on direct private equity investments into more than 40 separate private companies in Australia across a range of industry sectors.
Michael holds a BE (UNSW), an MBA (AGSM), and a Diploma of Financial Services (AFMA) and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.