1:20 – WCM have a unique investment process that looks at corporate culture and the trajectory of a companies economic moat. What does that mean?
8:42 – The culture at Costco.
9:42 – The WCM Quality Global Growth portfolio has seen some impressive outperformance over the past 12 months. How was this achieved in such a volatile market without going to cash?
12:45 – Examples of companies with growing competitive advantages.
17:04 – One of the hallmarks of the strategy is downside capture. Explain what that means and why it’s so important.
18:36 – What sectors are you overweight and why?
19:45 – What are your thoughts on the stock Alphabet?
21:48 – Is there an example of a company that you have bought because the culture has changed?
24:04 – What do you mean by ‘picks and shovels’ companies?
27:18 – Why is the WCM Global Growth listed investment company trading at a discount?
29:20 – Talk to us around irrational market volatility and how that affects the companies you invest in.
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